Itunes Library File Locked Mac

  1. Itunes Library File Locked Mac Book
  2. Itunes Library Extras Itdb File Is Locked Mac
  3. Itunes Library File Is Locked Mac
  4. Why Is My Itunes Locked
Recover from a 'Library is locked' iTunes error | 13 comments | Create New Account
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Nov 30, 2019  Windows: Delete Library.itl File. Your last attempt to fix this problem on Windows is to fully delete the library.itl file in the iTunes folder. You should only try this step if you have no other hope and you’re willing to risk losing data from iTunes. In File Explorer, navigate to C:UsersuserMusiciTunes; Right-click and delete the file. Jan 20, 2020  How to Find iTunes Library Locations on Computer. Finding the iTunes files location on a computer is extremely easy. This section should teach you how you find the folder on your PC or Mac computer. Find iTunes Library Locations on Mac: Get to the desktop of your Mac. Oct 16, 2017  Then, check out the most recent version of an iTunes Library file. For instance, iTunes Library 2017-03-30.itl. SOLVED: The folder “iTunes” is on a locked disk or you do not have write permission for this folder. If the issue is with your Computer or a Laptop you should try using Reimage Plus which can scan the repositories and replace corrupt and missing files.

  1. Feb 14, 2013  A simple way to resolve the issue with iTunes showing the library is locked. Follow the instru.
  2. Jul 31, 2017  Your iTunes library is locked because it is still in use by your wife's account. To unlock it you will need to quit iTunes on your wife's account. There's no good way around this. Your library file could easily get corrupted if you try to force two instances of iTunes to.
  3. Jul 31, 2014  Here are the 9 simple steps to get iTunes up and running again with your own library! Note: Depending on your settings, your windows can be slightly different than the screenshots used in this tutorial. Step 1: iTunes Library File is Locked! When you open iTunes, and you see this window: Don’t panic! Just click ‘ok’ and read on.
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

If you read the error, the file is *locked* or you do not right *write permissions*. What you did was creat a copy that you owned and had write permissions to by default. If you just get into on bolt files, make sure you are the owner (the little (me) should be besides the name in the owner box) and same for group, and that owner could read write, group read, and others read No coping is needed. But bolth ways work :)

Thanks for responding - I just was looking into this a little more, and wanted to provide some clarification.
When the problem happened the permissions on the two files were 644 for both, and ownership was my account. The one thing I did not check (forgot to) was if the file was locked (in the getinfo screen from Finder).
I've been trying to recreate the problem (w/o the crashing the machine part ;> ) - I can check both the Unix permissions (via either finder or command line) and if the file is locked or not (via finder) and I don't notice a change at all from the default (644 and unlocked) when importing, playing, or burning.
You do raise a good point that should have been covered in the initial post - permissions/ownership should be checked on both files first. As an aside, have you encountered this problem where the permissions/ownership were off? I can't see why the app would need to change these.
The closest thing I can find at Apple's site is a bit that talks about the locking for a mailbox file, but I think (I don't use that just creates a lock file in the spool directory.

Itunes Library File Locked Mac Book

Itunes library file locked machine

I had this exact problem just yesterday. I checked the files in question:
~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music
~/Music/iTunes/iTunes 3 Music Library
~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
All were UNlocked, owned by me, and I had read/write permissions.
A logout/login did not fix the problem.
A restart fixed it.

I had that problem a while ago. I was copying a few hundred MP3s to my iTunes music library from my file server, and the server hard drive froze. iTunes just sat there, completely frozen. I force-quit it and when I opened it back up, the library was locked. Not knowing what else to do, I trashed the library file, went to iTunes, said import library, and selected the .xml file. Voila, after a few minutes of parsing the file, I had my library back.
But your way is probably better.

This still occasionally happens to me. It's infuriating! About once every month, when I try to quit iTunes, it freezes. I have to force quit it TWICE. The first one doesn't work, but the second one finally quits iTunes. When I try to run iTunes again, it tells me that the library is locked. When I try to trash the Library, it tells me that it's in use. After logging out and in, I it remains 'in use' so I cannot trash it, so I sudo rm -fr it to finally get rid of it.
Process Viewer reveals nothing I could kill that's related to iTunes.
The ONLY sulution that works is restarting and re-importing all 2000 of my MP3's.
Using a new copy of iTunes, trashing all iTunes related prefs and files doesn't seem to help. It happens again in a few weeks. Even using a backup of my iTunes library does not work.
I'm SICK of this happening. Has anyone found a cause for why this is happening?

As a general matter, the command 'lsof' is a good way to find out what processes are using which files. (It can certainly be non-obvious.)

Good point.
As a reminder (and added suggestion to the previous post) you can also type (in Terminal):
lsof > ~/Documents/MyProcess.txt
which will output the result in a text file named 'MyProcess.txt' in your 'Documents' folder...

Itunes library file locked mac book

I love you guys, once again you saved me...
This tip still works with iTunes 7.1.1

Itunes Library Extras Itdb File Is Locked Mac

Being as I keep my library on another computer, I have now been exposed to this problem twice as family will often shutdown the computer with the library while itunes is running on my PowerBook
Glad as I was to find this hint I was disappointed to find that all my play counts were reset - 3+ years of useless stats lost :(
I'm happy to be able to report this slightly quicker workaround:
1. Move your iTunes library Data file to your desktop.
2. Start iTunes - your play list will be empty
3. Quit iTunes and copy the data file from step 1 back in to the iTunes folder
4. Start iTunes
Problem gone and play history preserved!
Next time I get this issue, I'll simply try copying the file and then copying it back, i.e. skip step 2. Must be some attribute thing going on with the Data file which goes away once the thing is moved.
Hope this updated approach helps someone. Ciao from chilly olde New Zealand on a dark winters night.

Appols if this double posts as I was trying to reply to the original hint
I'm happy to be able to report this slightly quicker workaround:
1. Move your iTunes library Data file to your desktop.
2. Start iTunes - your play list will be empty
3. Quit iTunes and copy the data file from step 1 back in to the iTunes folder
4. Start iTunes
Problem gone and play history preserved!

Turns out all i had to do was uncheck 'read only' from the file properties. Thanks for the tip though...

Itunes Library File Is Locked Mac

I realize this post is old... from 2003 initially, right?
I have OS/X Leopard; iTunes 10.
I share an iTunes library with my wife's account. During this last upgrade, I started getting a 'Library is locked' error when starting iTunes on my account. I located the iTunes library file (the directory that holds all things iTunes) and viewed info on it. Then Iocated my account in the 'Sharing & Permissions' section; I was there with 'Read & Write' access. I clicked on the 'cog' wheel at the bottom of the iTunes info popup and selected 'Apply to enclosed items'.
That did the job for my account and now I can access iTunes once again. I'm not sure what that will do to my wife's account!


I have tried but it had not worked,the only thing which worked is a small tool available at

Why Is My Itunes Locked

I was in the middle of downloading a music CD when everything seemed to stop. When I tried to eject the disc, I was told it was being used by iTunes. It was a 42 track disc, so I left it a while longer, but the same result. The iTunes icon in the dock would not respond so I tried to 'Force Quit' and eject the disc. The disc icon on the desktop has gone, but the disc did not eject. When I now try to open iTunes, I am told that ' The iTunes Library file is locked, on a locked disc, or you do not have permission for this file.'
So, I can not access iTunes and I cannot eject the disc - any ideas?